Video of the Garden Playground

Thought it was about time I shot a small video showing how the garden playground (and fencing) all fits together.  I have now constructed perches, runs, and play areas across most of my fencing (which is all catproofed).

The cats have secure access to about 2/3s of my property; the front area which is mainly driveway is the only bit they're restricted from.  

The garden itself has been planted with cats in mind too; it's disappointing how few plants at the garden centres have any warnings about toxicity for pets, or small children.  

It's not the inside cat, outside cat, debate we seem to be stuck in, in New Zealand.  They can climb trees, watch the neighbours (but not annoy them, or get into fights with other cats), and have plenty to keep them active, and happy, including hunting down the rat and mouse population (encouraged by the neighbour's macadamia trees). 



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