How to build a cat gym in your backyard: suspended elements

So with most of the angst and anguish of the previous couple of months over, now it was back to making sure that the cats were entertained, as well as safe. Cat proof fencing keeps the cats in the garden, but it is the use of a variety of climbing elements and the garden itself that keeps them entertained (in addition to nature's show).

As well as adding a number of shelves and seating areas to the fence, I also used natural elements and swinging elements for interest.  Gardening wire, and webbing provide tree friendly options to hang a bridge.  I tend to use free (recycled) building materials, and add elements as I think of them or as the building materials present themselves.  Not only is this extremely cost effective, it also means that there are new things for the cats on a regular basis, and it's not a big deal if a tree suddenly grows(or dies) or if an idea doesn't work out as planned.

One of the first things I started using was a type of wooden garden edging.  I don't  actually like the look of it as garden edging, and since I was completely renovating the garden anyway it was a pretty easy decision to pull it out and reuse this product.

I have used it in two ways. First nailed to the fence horizontal supports (there's probably a correct builders name for them, feel free to tell me ) to create wider, horizontal walkways, and second as suspended walkways between to areas.

My first creation was a bridge between a sloping tree trunk and the nearby fence. Noomi easily bounced between the tree trunk and the fence, but Milla wasn't even very confident at climbing the tree. The new bridge created a number of options for climbing and sitting, and taught her (safely) about balancing on wobbly things.  Milla was often found soaking up the sun, sitting in the middle of the first bridge I built.   Lily is a much more confident climber, and quickly took to all the available bridges and climbing elements. 

Use gardening wire and/or webbing to provide tree friendly options to hang your bridge.  

In any place where you use this product on a steep angle, include additional rungs or steps.


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